Wombat's  Scriptorium

A collection of images of manuscripts, illuminations, music, and other paper items.


This archive has been divided into various, completely arbitrary, categories, such as "Books of Hours," "Music," and "Arabic." Please note that, as the original purpose of this Scriptorium was to gather images for SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) scribes, the majority of images are within the SCA "period" (pre-17th century), and that the "postperiod" category refers to images after that time period.

The vast majority of images on this site were culled from eBay, and thus their authenticity and dating are not 100% guaranteed. I have relied on the information provided on eBay to give dates and descriptions. Anyone who has information or knowledge about the dating or location or anything else relating to these images, please send me email.

No, I do not own any of the items herein pictured, nor do I know where they are currently located.

Images being more valuable than words, go forth and view:

 Books of Hours Christian Religious  Arabic Music Post-Period Playing Cards  


Created on Tuesday, July 10, 2001
Last Modified on Monday, October 1, 2001