Wombat's Stitchery - janeseymour

Jane Seymour

Plate XXIV. The Lady Jane Grey, 1553While researching the Jane Grey gown, I found this painting. It grew on me bit by bit while trying to piece together construction and so on, until I knew I had to recreate it, too.

February 7, 2004:

I've basically just used the same pattern pieces I made for the Jane Grey gown, and foolishly cut out all of the lining and interlining and outer fabric, without fitting it. Today I actually put together the lining/interlining and basted them together so I could try the fit. It looks kickass.

Since this gown is noticibly different from the Jane Grey gown (despite using most of the same pattern pieces), I suppose I should sum up my steps to this point. (view images) (view fitting images)

Ok, first I should get out of this and get some sleep, then sum up and document.